Ali Raza Sheikh & Aneel Asghar

FOE Link or motive by PPF


Case Update Status

Matter solved between both after verbal apology.

Summary of Case

On 25 December 2020 Police detained two journalists Ali Raza Sheikh, reporter of Neo News TV channel, and Aneel Asghar, reporter of Roz News TV channel for media coverage of police check post in tehsil Gujar Khan in Rawalpindi district on after registering case for doing journalism.

Locals alerted the journalists that uniform and un-uniform policemen were searching passengers at the check post and allegedly getting bribes from them to let them continue journey. The two journalists reached the spot to interview the passengers who alleged bribes demanded by the cops.

As station house officer (SHO) of Gujar Khan received the media team presence he also rushed and ordered arrest of the two journalists snatching equipment from them and deleting recorded video, the two journalists were quoted as saying.

The SHO reached an agreement with the two journalists for patch-up offering verbal apology and withdrawing the case against the two journalists.

Ali Raza Sheikh and Aneel Asghar told PPF that we were there to cover the police officials, cops and “Songhay” (some locals who have knowledge that where the drugs are coming from) were made illegal check post together and were taking the bribes from them. I covered that incident and then SHO Mr. Khizar took me to the Gujjar Police Station after forcefully deleted the videos from us. After some time matter were resolved between us with verbal apology.

Secretary General of Gujjar Khan Press Club told PPF that yes this incident was happened when two reporters went there for the coverage. Later on we went to the police station where SHO khizar took two journalist and resolved the matter between them.

Category of Incident


ICCS Status

ICCS Divisions: 0202 -Acts against liberty

ICCS Group: 02022-Deprivation of liberty

ICCS Class: 020222-Illegal restraint

ICCS Crime: Acts against liberty

Reported By

Freedom Network

Date of incident






Name of affected person

Ali Raza Sheikh

Other affected persons

Aneel Asghar

Name of affected organization

Neo News TV

Other affected organizations

Roz News TV

Action by



Gujar Khan





Professional category


Age of victim

34 Years

Marital Status


Compensation Details

Amount of compensation announced by government: No compensation announced

Date of compensation announcement by government: No compensation announced

Date of compensation paid by government: No compensation announced

Amount of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced

Date of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced

Date compensation paid by others: No compensation announced

FIR Details

Was FIR registered ?: No

Court Details

Was case investigated ?: No

Court where case was presented: Case not presented in court

Name of prosecuting lawyer: Case not presented in court

Date of first court hearing:

Date of last court hearing:

Status of court case: Case not presented in court

Journalist Union Status






Condemn Status

Colleague of victim


Employer organization


Press Club Status

Press club 1: Secretary General of Gujjar Khan Press Club told PPF that yes this incident was happened when two reporters went there for the coverage. Later on we went to the police station where SHO Khizar took two journalist and resolved the matter between them.

Press club 2:

Press club 3: