Ameer Ali kalhoro
FOE Link or motive by PPF
ConfirmedCase Update Status
FIR was not registered in this regard and journalist was released from police's detention on Feb 1, 2023 however the case is closed now.
Summary of Case
"Journalist Ameer Ali Kalhoro was manhandled by the ASI police official Abdul Haleem because Ameer asked a question about money extortion from the fund box of Dargah Makhdoom Saeedi Mousani in Mehar on February 1, 2023. Ameer is currently affiliated with National News as a correspondent. Ameer Ali Kalhoro told PPF that ASI Ameer Ali Kalhoro assaulted him on Feb 1 at Dargah Makhdoom during the coverage of his news story. “ASI Abdul Haleem Lakaheer assaulted me on asking a question of money extortion in Dargah Makhdoom Saeedi Mousani, he snatched my mobile phone and they took me to Nao Goth and they took me in detention and on the request of ASI Guftar Memon, ASI Haleem released me” Kalhoro added. Later ASI Guftar sent a letter of free medical in Nao Goth to journalist Ameer Ali Kalhoro. Jawed Shah, a former fellow of PPF told PPF that the case of journalist Ameer Ali has been resolved now on verbal apology and he did not know the details of journalist Ameer Ali Kalhoro. PPF tried to contact Khursheed Lakheer, president of Indus Mehar press club but he did not pick up the call. Zeeshan Ahmed Gilani, chief editor of National News told PPF that his district reporter Ameer Ali was assaulted by the ASI police official for asking a basic question on money extortion in Dargah. “The matter is directly related to journalism because the journalist was assaulted due to his question and National News urged the authorities to take strict action against the culprits” Zeeshan added. "
Category of Incident
ICCS Status
ICCS Divisions: 0803-Acts related to freedom of expression or control of expression
ICCS Group: 08039-Other acts related to freedom of expression or control of expression
ICCS Class: N/A
ICCS Crime: Acts against liberty
Reported By
PPF's safety monitor's whatsapp group.
Date of incident
Name of affected person
Ameer Ali Kalhoro
Other affected persons
Not other person affected
Name of affected organization
National news
Other affected organizations
No other organization was affected
Action by
ASI Police officer
Professional category
Age of victim
Marital Status
MarriedCompensation Details
Amount of compensation announced by government: No compensation announced
Date of compensation announcement by government: No compensation announced
Date of compensation paid by government: No compensation announced
Amount of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced
Date of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced
Date compensation paid by others: No compensation announced
FIR Details
Was FIR registered ?: Yes
Date of FIR:
FIR Details: FIR was not registered
Police station of FIR: FIR was not registered
Name of complainant: FIR was not registered
Name of accused in FIR: FIR was not registered
Court Details
Was case investigated ?: No
Court where case was presented: Case was not presented in court.
Name of prosecuting lawyer: Case was not presented in court.
Date of first court hearing:
Date of last court hearing:
Status of court case: Case was not presented in court.
Journalist Union Status
Not required to contact
Condemn Status
Colleague of victim
Not required to contact
Employer organization
"Zeeshan Ahmed Gilani, chief editor of National News told PPF that his district reporter Ameer Ali was assaulted by the ASI police official for asking a basic question on money extortion in Dargah. “The matter is directly related to journalism because the journalist was assaulted due to his question and National News urged the authorities to take strict action against the culprits” Zeeshan added. "
Press Club Status
Press club 1: Not required to contact
Press club 2: N/A
Press club 3: N/A