Bureau chief of daily Jammu Kashmir, Junaid Ansari was attacked by unknown persons when he was returning from press club to his home in Mirpur, Azad Kashmir.
FOE Link or motive by PPF
ConfirmedCase Update Status
Bureau chief of daily Jammu Kashmir, Junaid Ansari was attacked by unknown persons when he was returning from press club to his home in Mirpur, Azad Kashmir.
Summary of Case
"On May 19, 2022 bureau chief of daily Jammu Kashmir, Junaid Ansari was attacked by unknown persons when he was returning from press club to his home in Mirpur, Azad Kashmir. Junaid Ansari told PPF that he got minor injuries, the attackers wanted to shoot him but fortunately he escaped from the scene. The attackers were unidentified. I was working on corruption stories and recently highlighted corruption in Mirpur University of Science and Technology, encroachment operation and Mirpur development authority for which I received threats from all of the management of these departments, Junaid added. Amir Mehboob, chief editor of daily Jammu Kashmir told PPF that Junaid must be attacked because of his news stories as he don’t have enmity with anyone. Junaid is a sensible writer and highlighted major issues of Mirpur, Amir added. Station House Officer (SHO) Imtiaz Shoukat told PPF that police is investigating the case and will find the clue in some days till then they cannot share any information. Zaffar Mughal, president of Mirpur press club told PPF that Junaid Ansari was attacked because of his news stories. "
Category of Incident
ICCS Status
ICCS Divisions: 0201- Assaults and threats
ICCS Group: 02011- Assault
ICCS Class: 020112- Minor assault
ICCS Crime: Assaults and threats
Reported By
Date of incident
Name of affected person
Junaid Ansari
Other affected persons
No other person affected
Name of affected organization
Daily Jammu Kashmir
Other affected organizations
No other Organization affected
Action by
Jamma and Kashmir
Bureau Chief
Professional category
Age of victim
Marital Status
MarriedCompensation Details
Amount of compensation announced by government: No compensation announced
Date of compensation announcement by government: No compensation announced
Date of compensation paid by government: No compensation announced
Amount of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced
Date of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced
Date compensation paid by others: No compensation announced
FIR Details
Was FIR registered ?: No
Court Details
Was case investigated ?: No
Court where case was presented: Case was not presented in any court
Name of prosecuting lawyer: Case was not presented in any court
Date of first court hearing:
Date of last court hearing:
Status of court case: Case was not presented in any court
Journalist Union Status
Condemn Status
Colleague of victim
Employer organization
"Amir Mehboob, chief editor of daily Jammu Kashmir told PPF that Junaid must be attacked because of his news stories as he don’t have enmity with anyone. Junaid is a sensible writer and highlighted major issues of Mirpur, Amir added. "
Press Club Status
Press club 1: Zaffar Mughal, president of Mirpur press club told PPF that Junaid Ansari was attacked because of his news stories
Press club 2: N/A
Press club 3: N/A