Noor Banuri

FOE Link or motive by PPF


Case Update Status

No FIR filed, No one wants to share information related to incident

Summary of Case

On 8 April 2020, Noor Muhammad Banuri, working for Daily Khabrian newspaper from Khar thesil of Bajaur tribal district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, filed a story for his newspaper in the first week of April and highlighted malpractices and corruption in a road construction project in Khar area of Bajaur district. Upon the publication of the story, the government contractors who were executing the project, made threatening calls to the journalist 8 April 2020 and demanded him to distract from his story and also publish a clarification from the contractors. Banuri reported the matter to local press club and the issue was taken up with the contractors and mutually resolved the matter.

Speaking to PPF, Mr. Noor Muhammad Banuri said: I highlighted corruption in a road construction project in my story. One famous person was involved in it (Did not wanted to share his name and story). He threatened me, I discussed this matter with my journalist friends, They advised me to back off from the matter. Please don’t discuss anything regarding the incident.

Category of Incident


ICCS Status

ICCS Divisions: 0201-Assaults and Threats

ICCS Group: 02012-Threat

ICCS Class: 020121-Serious Threat

ICCS Crime: Assaults and threats

Reported By

Freedom Network

Date of incident






Name of affected person

Noor Banuri

Other affected persons

No other person affcted

Name of affected organization

Daily Khabrian

Other affected organizations

No other organization affected

Action by

One famous person was involved in it (Did not wanted to share his name and story




Khyber Pakhtunkhwa



Professional category


Age of victim

Journalist denied to share

Marital Status


Compensation Details

Amount of compensation announced by government: No compensation Announced

Date of compensation announcement by government: No Compensation Announced

Date of compensation paid by government: No Compensation Announced

Amount of compensation announced by others: No Compensation Announced

Date of compensation announced by others: No Compensation Announced

Date compensation paid by others: No Compensation Announced

FIR Details

Was FIR registered ?: No

Court Details

Was case investigated ?: No case registered

Court where case was presented: No case registered

Name of prosecuting lawyer: No case registered

Date of first court hearing:

Date of last court hearing:

Status of court case: No case registered

Journalist Union Status






Condemn Status

Colleague of victim


Employer organization


Press Club Status

Press club 1: N/A

Press club 2:

Press club 3: