Hamid Mir

FOE Link or motive by PPF


Case Update Status

Hamid Mir has returned to Geo News.

Summary of Case

On 31 May, 2021 Geo News has banned Mir from hosting his talk show Capital Talk. PFUJ President Shahzada Zulfiqar and Secretary General Nasir Zaidi said that the media organization’s management should inform the media fraternity what had prompted them to take the decision “within the 72 hours of Mir’s speech in front of the National Press Club on Friday (May 28) where he condemned non-democratic forces for attacks on media persons and Asad Toor.”

Appearing to confirm reports of his removal, Mir said that being banned was “nothing new” for him.

“I was banned twice in the past. Lost jobs twice. Survived assassination attempts but cannot stop raising voice for the rights given in the constitution. This time I’m ready for any consequences and ready to go at any extent because they are threatening my family,” he added in a tweet.

According to the PFUJ, following Mir’s speech at the press club “it was feared that the government and establishment would employ pressure tactics on Geo”.

“We would like to know if it was the result of pressure from the government and the establishment or Geo has taken this decision on its own. In either case it is highly condemnable and would be resisted fiercely,” they said.

The PFUJ leadership said that such a ban “flies in the face of the government’s claim of protecting freedom of press and freedom of expression”.

“First journalists are attacked and when media persons protest against such attacks, the government employs fascist tactics to silence them. Hamid [Mir] is a well respected journalist with years of experience in the field. He is the most popular anchor of the country with millions of viewers. Banning him from conducting the program is not an attack on a single journalist but it is an attack on the freedom of expression and freedom of press. We will fiercely resist such attacks on the media and protest against this banning of Mir’s programme,” they said.

PFUJ additionally said that if Geo News did not restore Mir as the host of the show, the media fraternity would stage demonstrations in front of their offices countrywide. They urged the Supreme Court to take notice of the ban and appealed to politicians and civil society to show solidarity with the media in their “struggle against the non-democratic attitude of the government.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has also condemned the move to take Mir off air “three days after he spoke fervidly against the escalation in curbs on press freedom”.

“That Mr. Mir has been promptly silenced and his family allegedly threatened is now a tipping point for press freedom — and one that will not be resolved through the optics of law making in the shape of the long touted and heavily criticised journalists’ protection bill.”

Meanwhile, in a statement published on June 1, the Jang and Geo group said Mir’s speech had “resulted in a backlash from different segments of society”.

They said the Editorial Committee and lawyers would check for “violation of policy and law” during which Mir’s show would be hosted by a temporary host.

“We would like to remind our viewers and readers that Geo and Jang Group were shut down, our journalists were beaten up as they faced hundreds of fake allegations of corruption, blasphemy and traitorhood, shot at, financially strangulated more than any other media organisation in the country. The organisation has lost more than Rs10 billion to keep viewers and readers informed. However, it becomes difficult for the Group and its editors to take ownership of the content that is delivered outside the purview, input and guidance of its editors, which are not fact checked and approved by the editorial teams.”

The statement said that they shared the “anger, disappointment and frustration” felt by Mir and other journalists regarding attacks on journalists. They said that it was a “grave concern” but there were “better ways and means” to channel the energy for productive results on the matter.

“Too many journalists lose their lives and their liberty in Pakistan while their fight for the right of the public to know continues,” the statement read, adding that despite the calls by rights bodies to protect journalists and act against those who commit such attacks “no respite has been given till now”.

On March 8, 2022 Hamid Mir has returned to Geo News nine-months after he was forced off the air for delivering a speech condemning the attack on journalist Asad Toor.

Category of Incident


ICCS Status

ICCS Divisions: 0803-Acts related to freedom of expression or control of expression

ICCS Group: 08039-Other acts related to freedom of expression or control of expression

ICCS Class: N/A

ICCS Crime: Acts related to freedom of expression or control of expression

Reported By


Date of incident






Name of affected person

Hamid Mir

Other affected persons

No other person affected

Name of affected organization

Geo News

Other affected organizations

Jang Group

Action by

Administration of Geo/ Jang Group







Professional category


Age of victim

54 Years

Marital Status


Compensation Details

Amount of compensation announced by government: No compensation announced

Date of compensation announcement by government: No compensation announced

Date of compensation paid by government: No compensation announced

Amount of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced

Date of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced

Date compensation paid by others: No compensation announced

FIR Details

Was FIR registered ?: No

Court Details

Was case investigated ?: FIR was not registered

Court where case was presented: Case was not presented in any court

Name of prosecuting lawyer: Case was not presented in any court

Date of first court hearing:

Date of last court hearing:

Status of court case: Case was not presented in any court

Journalist Union Status


Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) has strongly condemned Geo News for banning anchor Hamid Mir from conducting his popular show Capital Talk. In a statement issued on Monday, union President Shahzada Zulfiqar and Secretary-General Nasir Zaidi said: "Geo management should let the journalist fraternity know what prompted them to take this decision within the 72 hours of Mir's speech in front of the National Press Club on Friday where he condemned non-democratic forces for attacks on media persons and Asad Toor." The two leaders said that after the speech, it was feared the government and the establishment would employ pressure tactics on Geo. “We would like to know if it was the result of pressure from the government and the establishment or Geo has taken this decision on its own. In either case, it is highly condemnable and would be resisted fiercely."




Media Source Status

Media reports:


Condemn Status

Colleague of victim

Many journalists condemn the ban and protested.

Employer organization

Geo/Jang Group said that the veteran journalist had made a speech "that has resulted in backlash from different segments of society". "The editorial committee and lawyers will check for violation of policy and law. Meanwhile, ‘Capital Talk’ will be hosted by a temporary host,"

Press Club Status

Press club 1: National press club strongly condemn

Press club 2:

Press club 3: