Hayat Muhammad Kalami
FOE Link or motive by PPF
ConfirmedCase Update Status
Journalist is on Pre arrest bail from civil Court. Court next hearing will be on 21-Feb-2022
Summary of Case
On 10 Sep, 2021 police in Swat district book journalist Hayat Muhammad Kalami associated with Daily Chand in two different cases, including anti-terrorism charge, after he highlighted tourists robbed near summer resort town Kalam. Hayat works as freelance journalist and wrote articles about the issues of Kalam for different websites and Newspapers.
On Sep 15, 2021 Mr. Hayat Muhammad kalami told PPF that He lives in Kalam which is a tourist city of Pakistan, the security of the area matters a lot for tourism industry of Pakistan but unfortunately recently incidents of robbery have increased and in July a conflict between two groups became serious here and caused deaths of 5 people. Hayat reported these events and wrote columns about it which was somehow against to local police. Local police was angry and named Hayat in FIR of that group fight. Special Anti-Terrorism Court declared Hayat innocent in that case and asked him to visit DSP’s office for reinvestigation application. On Sep 10, 2021 Hayat went to DSP’s office for that case when DSP got furious and said, "Hold my foot and apologize." Hayat said that why are you talking like this so DSP replied that you report news against us. Hayat refused to apologize. According to Hayat they arrested him and then register FIR of fake News shared on social media regarding transfer of DSP Madeen, against Hayat. It is also included in FIR that Hayat is a fake journalist. Next day On Sep 11, when Hayat was presented in civil court where Hayat he shared sources of the News and proves of his Journalistic work, He is now on pre arrest bail. These tactics were constantly used to suppress journalists for stop bringing the real facts and exposing of the “Constitution Violators” but failed. He is doing his best to maintain the Law and Order Situation and mobilize the community of Utror and Kalam for the peace and negotiations. Now a legal war has been launched against the violators of the constitution.
On Sep 15, 2021 President of Kalam Press Club Mr. Rehmat Din told PPF that the local police were angry with Hayat because Hayat had spread the news against him. Hayat is columnist of Daily Azadi. He also works for different media outlets. He is a well-known journalist of the area. Mr. Rehmat said that he and other journalists who supported Hayat are receiving threats from SHO Kalam Police station. There is no personal conflict between Police and Hayat.
On Sep 16, 2021 Chief Editor of Daily Azadi Mr. Mumtaz Ahmed told PPF that Hayat Muhammad send articles regarding issues of Kalam sometimes, He is very passionate about his work.
On Sep 16, 2021 Correspondents Incharge of Daily Pakistan Mr. Inayatullah told PPF that he was associated with Daily Pakistan times ago but currently Hayat is not working with Daily Pakistan.
PPF monitored his Facebook account named “HM Kalami”, he is really active on Facebook and post the updates of his area.
On Sep 16, 2021 President of Swat Press club Mr. Shahzad Alam told PPF that doing journalism in Swat is becomes really difficult nowadays, Police cannot bear criticism while the law and order situation of the area becoming dangerous. Hayat pointed out this in his news reports that is why local police is retaliating revenge. There is no personal conflict between Police and Hayat.
On Sep 16, 2021 Chief Editor of Daily Chand Mr. Rashid Iqbal told PPF that there is no Freedom of expression in Swat, the journalists of the area did not bear this much restrictions in the time of war against terrorism as they have to face nowadays. The FIR against Hayat stated that he is a fake journalist however he works for Daily Chand and it is also mentioned in FIR that he shared a fake news regarding transfer of DSP on his Facebook account which is completely disgusting as first of all this is not a big issue if he was not transferred that they can simply asked Hayat to remove that post or can contact Cybercrime Cell. There is no personal conflict between Police and Hayat.
On 13th January 2022 Hayat Muhammad Kalami told PPF that court ordered police that returned journalist mobile and USB but police use tactics and yet to give him his mobile and USB and next hearing will be on 22-Feb-22
Category of Incident
Case Register
ICCS Status
ICCS Divisions: 0202 -Acts against liberty
ICCS Group: 02022-Deprivation of liberty
ICCS Class: 020222-Illegal restraint
ICCS Crime: Acts against liberty
Reported By
Date of incident
Name of affected person
Hayat Muhammad kalami
Other affected persons
No other person affected
Name of affected organization
Daily Chand
Other affected organizations
No other organization affected
Action by
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Professional category
Age of victim
Marital Status
N/ACompensation Details
Amount of compensation announced by government: No compensation announced
Date of compensation announcement by government: No compensation announced
Date of compensation paid by government: No compensation announced
Amount of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced
Date of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced
Date compensation paid by others: No compensation announced
FIR Details
Was FIR registered ?: Yes
Date of FIR: 10/09/2021
FIR Details: FIR No. 841
Police station of FIR: Madeen Police station
Name of complainant: Muhammad Haleem Khan (SHO)
Name of accused in FIR: Hayat Muhammad Kalami (Journalist himself)
Court Details
Was case investigated ?: Under Investigation
Court where case was presented: Civil court Swat
Name of prosecuting lawyer: N/A
Date of first court hearing: 11/09/2021
Date of last court hearing:
Status of court case: Under Hearing
Journalist Union Status
Media Source Status
Media reports:
https://twitter.com/pressfreedompk/status/1437696538709577729/photo/1Condemn Status
Colleague of victim
Employer organization
Chief Editor of Daily Azadi Mr. Mumtaz Ahmed told PPF that Hayat Muhammad send articles regarding issues of Kalam sometimes, He is very passionate about his work. Correspondents Incharge of Daily Pakistan Mr. Inayatullah told PPF that he was associated with Daily Pakistan times ago but currently Hayat is not working with Daily Pakistan. PPF monitored his Facebook account named “HM Kalami”, he is really active on Facebook and post the updates of his area. Chief Editor of Daily Chand Mr. Rashid Iqbal told PPF that there is no Freedom of expression in Swat, the journalists of the area did not bear this much restrictions in the time of war against terrorism as they have to face nowadays. The FIR against Hayat stated that he is a fake journalist however he works for Daily Chand and it is also mentioned in FIR that he shared a fake news regarding transfer of DSP on his Facebook account which is completely disgusting as first of all this is not a big issue if he was not transferred that they can simply asked Hayat to remove that post or can contact Cybercrime Cell. There is no personal conflict between Police and Hayat.
Press Club Status
Press club 1: President of Kalam Press Club Mr. Rehmat Din told PPF that the local police were angry with Hayat because Hayat had spread the news against him. Hayat is columnist of Daily Azadi. He also works for different media outlets. He is a well-known journalist of the area. Mr. Rehmat said that he and other journalists who supported Hayat are receiving threats from SHO Kalam Police station. There is no personal conflict between Police and Hayat.
Press club 2: President of Swat Press club Mr. Shahzad Alam told PPF that doing journalism in Swat is becomes really difficult nowadays, Police cannot bear criticism while the law and order situation of the area becoming dangerous. Hayat pointed out this in his news reports that is why local police is retaliating revenge. There is no personal conflict between Police and Hayat.
Press club 3: