Protests over High wheat and electricity prices have caused significant disruption in Azad Jammu & Kashmir
FOE Link or motive by PPF
ConfirmedCase Update Status
Internet was restored
Summary of Case
"Protests over high wheat and electricity prices have caused significant disruption in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) since May 11, leading to the suspension of internet and cellular services in various regions. In response to the protests, authorities suspended mobile phone and internet services in various areas, including Bhimber, Bagh, and Mirpur, on May 12. This measure aimed to curtail coordination among demonstrators and prevent the spread of unrest. As of May 14, internet services have been restored in many parts of AJK, but 4G broadband remains unavailable in cities like Mirpur and Rawalakot. ARY News journalist Sardar Ayaz informed the Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) on May 14 that internet services remain disrupted in several AJK cities, hindering journalists’ ability to report on the situation. He expressed concern that the communication blackout could exacerbate unrest. On May 15, the protestors announced an end to their protests. As of May 15, internet services had not been restored in AJK, with citizens complaining about mobile services being slow or completely stopping in some cities and the impact of no internet on business.
Category of Incident
ICCS Status
ICCS Divisions: 0803-Acts related to freedom of expression or control of expression
ICCS Group: 08039-Other acts related to freedom of expression or control of expression
ICCS Class: -
ICCS Crime: Acts related to freedom of expression or control of expression
Reported By
Date of incident
Name of affected person
People of AJK
Other affected persons
Name of affected organization
Other affected organizations
Action by
Internet closure
Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Professional category
Age of victim
Marital Status
N/ACompensation Details
Amount of compensation announced by government: No compensation was announced
Date of compensation announcement by government: No compensation was announced
Date of compensation paid by government: No compensation was announced
Amount of compensation announced by others: No compensation was announced
Date of compensation announced by others: No compensation was announced
Date compensation paid by others: No compensation was announced
FIR Details
Was FIR registered ?: No
Court Details
Was case investigated ?: No
Court where case was presented: Court was not presented in any court
Name of prosecuting lawyer: Court was not presented in any court
Date of first court hearing:
Date of last court hearing:
Status of court case: Court was not presented in any court
Journalist Union Status
Not condemned
Not condemned
Not condemned
Not condemned
Condemn Status
Colleague of victim
Employer organization
Press Club Status
Press club 1: No version was needed
Press club 2: No version was needed
Press club 3: No version was needed