Shaheen Sehbai
FOE Link or motive by PPF
ConfirmedCase Update Status
No accuser was arrested.
Summary of Case
"The Islamabad police registered a case against four journalists and media professionals on June 13, 2023. Shaheen Sehbai, Wajahat Saeed Khan, Adil Raja, and Haider Mehdi was booked for the case of abetting mutiny. Fir was registered by the person Muhammad Aslam in police station Ramna, Islamabad, Pakistan. Journalists were booked under sections 120B, 121, 121A, 131, 21 ATA, 11 W ATA, and 4 ATA. According to Dawn, the FIR, registered at the Ramna police station, invoked sections 120B (punishment of criminal conspiracy), 121 (waging or attempting to wage war or abetting waging of war against Pakistan), 121A (conspiracy to commit offenses punishable by Section 121), and 131 (abetting mutiny or attempting to seduce a soldier, sailor or airman from his duty). It also included sections 7 (punishment for acts of terrorism) and 21A (cordons for Terrorist Investigation) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997. According to the FIR complainant Muhammad Aslam said he was passing by the capital’s G-11 locality on May 9 when he saw 20-25 people sharing “screenshots of tweets and video messages” of Raja, Wajahat, Mehdi, and Sehbai. “They were inciting people to attack military installations, spread terrorism, and create chaos in the country,” he alleged. Speaking to PPF, Rana Azeem, General Secretary of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists said that the case registration on four journalists is not acceptable, Rana said how can someone register a case on the journalists who were not in the country on May 9, 2023. “Today we will have the meeting for this case and the union will look into the matter” Azeem added. In a tweet, Wajahat Saeed said Today, he came across news reports which indicate that several charges have been filed against him in Pakistan. He further said he doesn’t know the complainant Muhammad Aslam. "
Category of Incident
Case Register
ICCS Status
ICCS Divisions: 0202 -Acts against liberty
ICCS Group: 02022-Deprivation of liberty
ICCS Class: 020222-Illegal restraint
ICCS Crime: Acts against liberty
Reported By
Date of incident
Name of affected person
Shaheen Sehbai
Other affected persons
Wajahat Saeed Khan
Name of affected organization
The News
Other affected organizations
Action by
By a local citizen of Islamabad, Muhammad Aslam.
Capital Territory
Professional category
Age of victim
Marital Status
MarriedCompensation Details
Amount of compensation announced by government: No compensation announced
Date of compensation announcement by government: No compensation announced
Date of compensation paid by government: No compensation announced
Amount of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced
Date of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced
Date compensation paid by others: No compensation announced
FIR Details
Was FIR registered ?: Yes
Date of FIR: 09/05/2023
FIR Details: FIR number: 406/23
Police station of FIR: Police station Ramna.
Name of complainant: Muhammad Aslam
Name of accused in FIR: Shaheen Sehbai, Wajahat Saeed, Adil Raja and Haider Mehdi.
Court Details
Was case investigated ?: No
Court where case was presented: Case is not in any court
Name of prosecuting lawyer: Case is not in any court
Date of first court hearing:
Date of last court hearing:
Status of court case: Case is not in any court
Journalist Union Status
Condemn Status
Colleague of victim
Employer organization
Press Club Status
Press club 1: National Press Club Islamabad Vice President Myra Azam told PPF that due to the serious allegations by citizens against the media professionals which are “unrealistic and baseless”, they would call a protest for the dismissal of the FIRs.
Press club 2: N/A
Press club 3: N/A