Tanveer Awan
FOE Link or motive by PPF
ConfirmedCase Update Status
Journalist proved innocent and was released on Oct 3.
Summary of Case
On 29 Sep, 2021 Journalist Tanveer Awan was arrested by Police from Islamabad in a case of blasphemy.
On Oct 2, 2021 Chairman of Potohar young journalist association, Mr. Babar Aurangzeb told PPF that Attock police register a case of Blasphemy against journalist Tanveer Awan, associated with Nawa-i-Waqt, after he wrote against Police on his Social Media account. Potohar young journalist association condemn the act of local police to silence the voice of truth. Babar had threats from Police.
On Oct 2, 2021 Investigation officer Inspector Ahmed Khan told PPF that a local resident Malik Arshad Ali informed Saddar police station of Attock that Tanveer Awan uploaded content based on contempt of Ahle Bait on social media which made his heart as he belongs Shia community. Blasphemy case under sections 298 A, 295 A and Punjab maintenance of public order ordinance, 1960-16. Tanveer was arrested on 30-Sep, 2021 and presented in the court of magistrate on Oct 1, 2021. Respected court transferred the case to FIA.
PPF read documents as the FIA presented the accused in the relevant court. On this occasion, SHO of FIA cybercrime KSHO, FIA's Assistant Director Legal, SHO of Attock Police Station Sadar Attock were also present. FIA the Investigation Officer took a stand before the court that no single person has the authority to file a case against anyone under the penal of Pakistan's penal for the case. Unless the relevant authorities of the federal or provincial government issue any instructions on this case, no approval has been obtained in which the court declared that there is no action against the accused in this situation. There is no justification, so the accused should be discharged from the case and if not required in any other case, he should be released immediately on which Tanveer Awan was released from the court.
On Oct 4, 2021 Sub Editor of Nawa-i-Waqt Newspaper, Mr. Waqar Fani told PPF that Tanveer shared news against police on his social media account, the FIR is the reaction of those News stories. No one can share the evidence of blasphemy neither in court nor in front of FIA. FIA Special Judicial Magistrate Ahmed Arshad Gondal has ordered to dismiss a case. He should be released immediately on which the suspect was released from the court.
Category of Incident
Case Register
ICCS Status
ICCS Divisions: 0202 -Acts against liberty
ICCS Group: 02022-Deprivation of liberty
ICCS Class: 020222-Illegal restraint
ICCS Crime: Acts against liberty
Reported By
Date of incident
Name of affected person
Tanveer Awan
Other affected persons
No other person affected
Name of affected organization
Other affected organizations
No other organization affected
Action by
Capital Territory
Professional category
Age of victim
33 Years
Marital Status
MarriedCompensation Details
Amount of compensation announced by government: No compensation announced
Date of compensation announcement by government: No compensation announced
Date of compensation paid by government: No compensation announced
Amount of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced
Date of compensation announced by others: No compensation announced
Date compensation paid by others: No compensation announced
FIR Details
Was FIR registered ?: Yes
Date of FIR: 23/09/2021
FIR Details: Blasphemy case under sections 298 A, 295 A and Punjab maintenance of public order ordinance, 1960-16.
Police station of FIR: Saddar Police Station Attock
Name of complainant: Malik Arshad Ali
Name of accused in FIR: Tanveer Awan
Court Details
Was case investigated ?: Yes
Court where case was presented: Magistrate court Attock then FIA
Name of prosecuting lawyer: No lawyer
Date of first court hearing: 01/10/2021
Date of last court hearing: 03/10/2021
Status of court case: Journalist released, case closed
Journalist Union Status
Condemn Status
Colleague of victim
Employer organization
Sub Editor of Nawa-i-Waqt Newspaper, Mr. Waqar Fani told PPF that Tanveer shared news against police on his social media account, the FIR is the reaction of those News stories. No one can share the evidence of blasphemy neither in court nor in front of FIA. FIA Special Judicial Magistrate Ahmed Arshad Gondal has ordered to dismiss a case. He should be released immediately on which the suspect was released from the court.
Press Club Status
Press club 1: Chairman of Potohar young journalist association, Mr. Babar Aurangzeb told PPF that Attock police register a case of Blasphemy against journalist Tanveer Awan, associated with Nawa-i-Waqt, after he wrote against Police on his Social Media account. Potohar young journalist association condemn the act of local police to silence the voice of truth. Babar had threats from Police.
Press club 2:
Press club 3: